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Quigley Shooting Association

Team Steel Challenge



Any six person team is allowed to shoot in this annual competition, but the usual culprits are the Quigley Shooting Association, the Single Shot Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Club of Great Britain and the Yorkshire Buffalo Hunters.


Stage 1 consists of a ten minute ranging-in session at 400 yards at three markers in the backstop, with team members being permitted to spot for each other.  This is followed by the challenging bit, ten shots each in turn at a regulation steel silhouette of a ram backed by a non-scoring Correx sheet to aid the sight picture against the dark sand background. A single point being awarded for each ring of the gong.


The break for lunch usually provides a chance for shooters to picnic in the sunshine and exchange hints and tips on doping the wind etc.


Stage 2 at 600 yds and a repeat of Stage 1, but this time ten rounds each at a ¾ size steel buffalo silhouette, again with a Correx backing.  A single point being awarded for each ring of the gong.


If a team is unable to field the six shooters then in the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play the other teams will drop one member’s score.


Team steel 2.jpg

Quigley Shooting Association

© 2022 Diggle QSA

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